x Cooper Trachthenberg

Practicing Family Law Since 1988

What is the Percentage of Divorced Couples Who Get Back Together?

DATE POSTED: December 12, 2023 1:55 am

What is the Percentage of Divorced Couples Who Get Back Together?

Key Takeaways

  1. Reunion Rates: Between 10-15% of separated couples reconcile, and approximately 6% of divorced couples remarry each other.
  2. Age’s Role: Marrying at a younger age can influence decisions and perspectives on relationships. As individuals mature, they might reconsider previous choices, leading to potential reunions.
  3. Personal Growth: Time apart can foster personal growth and change. This evolution, coupled with a new understanding of oneself and one’s partner, can be a catalyst for reunions.
  4. Challenges Ahead: Reunited couples are not exempt from challenges. They must address past grievances, manage external perceptions, realign after personal changes, and navigate the potential complexities of remarriage.
  5. Foundations Matter: For a successful reunion, open communication, self-reflection, setting boundaries, and, if necessary, seeking professional counseling are crucial steps.


In an age where we’re often bombarded with pessimistic views on love and the grim statistics of divorce rates, isn’t it refreshing to consider the other side of the coin? Think about it: for every story of a marriage ending, there might be an inspiring tale of reconciliation waiting to be told. It’s time to shift our focus and ask the burning question: How many couples, after braving the storm of separation, find their way back to the sanctuary of each other’s arms?

Picture a world where we’re as obsessed with the stories of rekindled romances as we are with tales of breakups. Isn’t there something profoundly hopeful about the idea that love can be rediscovered, even after the gavel of divorce has struck?

In the realm of relationships, the end isn’t always truly the end. While the societal lens often zeroes in on the gloomy prevalence of divorces, a lesser-known but equally significant narrative emerges from the shadows – the tale of couples reuniting after the seemingly final act of divorce.

Reuniting by the Numbers

Drawing from research, notably from sources such as Psychology Today, we uncover a surprising statistic : an encouraging 10-15% of couples decide to reconcile post-separation. Furthermore, among these brave souls who traverse the complex landscape of past disagreements and heartbreaks, approximately 6% opt to recommit through remarriage. These figures challenge the oft-held belief that once a marriage ends, so does the love story.

Unraveling the Trends

Over time, these rates of reunion post-divorce have shown subtle fluctuations. But what’s truly captivating is the “why” behind these reunions:

  1. Triumph Over Trauma: For many, the act of separation and divorce is preceded by betrayals or deep-seated misunderstandings. However, instead of marking a definitive end, these events sometimes serve as catalysts. Couples often find themselves navigating the trauma, healing wounds, and emerging with a strengthened bond that they believe is worth another shot.
  2. Enduring Emotions: Beyond the arguments and challenges, many divorced couples come to a profound realization. The depth of their feelings for one another, rather than waning, emerges more potent, pulling them back into each other’s orbits.

They remind us that love stories can have second chapters, and sometimes, the journey back to love is just as beautiful, if not more, than the initial descent into it.

Why Divorced Partners End Up Reuniting

Why Divorced Partners End Up Reuniting

We found interesting information in an article [2] of Verywell Mind. Here is more insight:

a. Maturity and Age Factor: In the grand tapestry of life, age and maturity hold significant sway, particularly in the realm of relationships. Think back to our younger selves; weren’t we all a little impulsive, a tad bit impatient, and sometimes ill-equipped to handle the intricacies of a relationship? For many couples, an early marriage becomes a mirror reflecting their lack of preparedness for the demands of marital life. Fast forward a few years, and with the wisdom that age brings, perspectives shift.

b. Addressing Past Issues: The path to reunification often requires a deep dive into the maze of past misunderstandings and conflicts. ​By addressing and resolving these past skeletons, couples lay a refreshed foundation, free from the weight of unresolved disputes.

c. Personal Growth and Rediscovery: Separation, while painful, sometimes offers a silver lining: a chance for individual growth. Time apart often serves as a period of introspection, leading to personal evolution. And as both partners evolve, they often rediscover each other in a new light. The qualities they once took for granted or the nuances they overlooked suddenly become the very reasons they feel drawn to each other again.

d. Forgiveness and Letting Go: The heart’s capacity to forgive is nothing short of miraculous. While grievances and grudges can cast long shadows, with time, many individuals find the strength to let go of past hurts. This act of forgiveness isn’t just about absolving the other person but about liberating oneself from the chains of resentment. It paves the way for a fresh start, unburdened by the past.

e. Ties That Bind: The Ex-Family Connection: Family, as they say, is forever. And in many cases, the bond with an ex’s family remains strong, even post-divorce. Whether it’s the warm relationship with former in-laws or the bond shared with mutual nephews and nieces, these ties serve as a reminder of the life couples once shared, subtly nudging them towards reconsidering their separation.

f. The Comfort of Familiarity: Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and during these tumultuous times, the heart often seeks solace in the familiar. This familiarity, far from being mundane, provides a cocoon of emotional security. For many divorced individuals, the pull towards what was once known, and comforting can serve as a compelling reason to reconsider their separation.

g. The Reality of Singlehood: While the idea of singlehood might seem liberating initially, with time, the realities become clearer.  Weekend solitude, the silence of a home, and the absence of shared rituals and routines can weigh heavily.

h. Rekindled Love: Love, as countless poets and writers have proclaimed, is enduring. While anger, misunderstandings, or external pressures might lead to a marital rift, the embers of love often continue to smolder beneath. Time apart can fan these embers back into a roaring flame, making individuals realize the depth and authenticity of their feelings.

i. Reevaluating the Reasons for Divorce: With the clarity that time provides, many individuals begin to introspect the reasons that led to their divorce. Was it an impulsive decision taken in the heat of the moment? Or perhaps, on reflection, the reasons for the split now seem insufficient in the grander scheme of life. This reevaluation can lead to the acknowledgment that perhaps the divorce was premature or unnecessary, prompting couples to seek a fresh start.

In essence, the reasons behind divorced couples reuniting are as diverse as the stories of love itself. From age-induced wisdom to the gentle nudges from ex-families, the pathways leading back to love are many, reminding us of all that sometimes, love deserves a second chance.

Potential Challenges and Considerations for Reunited Couples

Rekindling a romance and reuniting with a former spouse certainly has its fairy-tale allure. The prospect of rediscovering love and rebuilding a relationship can be deeply seductive. However, like all relationships, a second chance at marriage comes with its own set of unique challenges.

Challenges to Anticipate:

  1. Carrying Old Baggage: Couples may find that unresolved issues from their past resurface. This includes past grievances, arguments, and hurts that were never truly dealt with.
  2. External Perceptions: Society, friends, or family members might have reservations or opinions about the reunion, which can add external pressure.
  3. Over-idealization: There’s a risk of viewing the past through rose-tinted glasses, leading to unrealistic expectations of the second time around.
  4. Navigating Changes: Both partners have likely experienced personal growth or change during their time apart. These changes can impact dynamics and require adjustment.
  5. Legal and Financial Complexities: If the couple has legally divorced, remarriage can bring about legal and financial implications.

Recommendations for Couples Considering Reunion:

  1. Seek Counseling: Engaging in couples therapy can be instrumental in addressing past issues and building a healthy foundation for the future.
  2. Open Communication: Ensuring open channels of communication will be vital.
  3. Take It Slow: There’s no rush. Consider dating before jumping back into marriage.
  4. Engage in Self-reflection: Both partners should spend time reflecting on why they wish to reunite and what they hope will be different this time.
  5. Set Boundaries: Establish boundaries concerning external influences.
  6. Stay Informed: If considering remarriage, consult with legal professionals to understand any implications.


a. What percentage of divorced couples reunite?
Based on the provided statistics, between 10-15% of couples reconcile after separation, and about 6% of couples remarry each other after they divorce.

b. Does age at the time of divorce influence the chances of reuniting?
Yes, age plays a significant role in reunions. Many couples who marry at a younger age may not be fully equipped to manage the intricacies of marital life. As they mature and gain more life experience, their perspectives on relationships evolve, which can lead them to reconsider previous decisions and potentially reunite.

c. How do personal growth and individual changes influence reunions?
Time apart often serves as an avenue for introspection and personal growth. This individual evolution can lead to the rediscovery of one’s partner in a new light. As both individuals grow, they might feel drawn to each other once more, recognizing qualities they had previously taken for granted or overlooked.

d. What challenges do reunited couples face?
Reunited couples often grapple with unresolved issues from their past, face external pressures from society or family, and might over-idealize their past relationship.  

At Cooper Trachtenberg Law Group, LLC, we specialize in guiding divorced couples towards reconciliation, ensuring that legalities support your renewed commitment. A second chance at love deserves experienced guidance.  Connect with us today at https://www.mcooperlaw.com/ or call 847-995-8800.
